Peipeis in Action

The New Aunt
Your sister-in-law is pregnant and you're going to be an aunt! You’re hosting her Baby Shower and want to present her with a group gift.
You find a peipei that will perfectly match the baby's nursery and reserve it by paying the $25 deposit. On the invitations, you add the line "In lieu of cards, please contribute to Baby's peipei and submit a wish." You include the peipei's webpage address along with registry information.
The peipei and book arrive in a gift box. You present the peipei to the mom-to-be and when she realizes that the book is filled with wishes from her loved ones, she is overcome with joy.
You've totally secured your spot as the best aunt ever!
Pictured: Boho Rainbow on Huckleberry

The Third Baby
You’re expecting your third child and even though you have everything you need, loved ones have requested a registry.
Instead, you pick out a peipei and email the crowdfunding link to family, friends, and neighbors. You also share the link over social media and everyone is thrilled to be involved!
Now all you have to do is sit back and put up your swollen feet while Baby’s loved ones contribute to a meaningful gift!

The Workplace Family
Your work husband and his husband are expecting a baby! They’ve been collecting baby items for a year and ask that you don’t go overboard with a gift. Ha!
You purchase a peipei midi with a card and secretly pass them around the office. Everyone comments how soft and snuggly the peipei is and enthusiastically contribute money and sign the card.
You and your work family present the expectant fathers with the peipei. As they’re reading the messages in the card, the realization that their baby is already loved has them speechless. They’re glad you didn’t listen to them!
Pictured: Bright Patchwork